⭐️ The Alois Lageder winery in Alto Adige is managed on the basis of biodynamic principles. Every label of the Classical Grape Varieties features one of the winery’s foundational values, symbolized through natural elements of the vineyards and cellar.
Sauvignon Blanc
Aroma: Semi-aromatic, fresh, mineral, fruity, floral
Flavor: Medium-Bodied, harmonic, mineral, fruity, juicy, lively-fresh, dry
Grilled Fish | Seafood | Roast White Meat, Sushi | Cha Ca | Pho Cuon
BRAND NAME: Alois Lageder
1823: Johann Lageder packs his bags, waves goodbye to the Val Gardena valley and moves to the city of Bolzano, where he first begins trading in wine. His descendants make their own wines, supported by their connections with other grape growers. The Alois Lageder winery in Alto Adige comprises 55 hectares of the family's own vineyards & follows biodynamic philosophy.